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Our Team
Our Team
Meet Magdalena
Founder, Nutritionist, and Herbalist

Magdalena is the founder of Wellena, a clean line of supplements and USDA Organic skincare, and creator of the popular Hormones Balance community. She’s written two books on balancing hormones naturally through nutritious food, targeted supplements, and supportive herbs in her popular book, Cooking for Hormone Balance, published by Harper Collins, and Overcoming Estrogen Dominance.

In addition to being a celebrated author, Magdalena is an entrepreneur, holistic nutrition coach, chef, certified herbalist, and speaker serving tens of thousands of women who struggle with issues related to Estrogen Dominance.

After developing hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto’s, adrenal fatigue, and Estrogen Dominance, Magdalena left her high-pressure advertising career to learn a new way of eating—and living—that would restore her hormones. You can read Magdalena’s full health journey here.

Today, Magdalena is symptom-free and shares her practical, proven knowledge so other women may benefit and improve their own hormonal health.

Meet Lisa Ganora, Our Chief Formulator
Herbalist, Author, Lecturer, Founder and Former Director of Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism

Lisa Ganora is Wellena’s Chief Formulator. She formulated our Digestive Bitters and Happy Sisters Topical Cream and Supplement Formula.

Lisa began studying herbal medicine in the early ‘80s. After practicing as a Wise Woman tradition community herbalist, wildcrafter, and medicine maker for a decade, Lisa returned to school at UNCA and graduated summa cum laude with multiple awards in biology and chemistry. After graduation, she focused on exploring herbal constituents (pharmacognosy and phytochemistry) in the context of Western clinical herbalism and Vitalist therapeutics.

In addition to founding and directing the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism from 2012-2020 and managing Elderberry’s Farm (a Rocky Mountain Herbal Education Center in Paonia, CO), Lisa has also served as Adjunct Professor of Pharmacognosy at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, and has lectured and taught classes at numerous schools and conferences around the world.

Lisa is the author of Herbal Constituents, 2nd Ed., a popular textbook on herbal phytochemistry for natural health practitioners, which is used by schools and universities worldwide. Lisa also teaches a comprehensive distance learning course on herbal constituents and formulates botanical and CBD products.

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